Letter from the Chair

Dear Kashunamiut School District Community Members,

The Kashunamiut School District Governing Board has recently updated the district’s Strategic Plan to align more with the current district priorities and those priorities are detailed in this document.

Members of the team worked together to review district wide information and identified the critical issues currently facing the School District. Building on the strengths of our community and schools, the planning team revised the mission and vision statements as well as goals and objectives.

The planning process was true a collaborative effort and we sincerely appreciate everyone who contributed to the success of the update.

Greg Slats, Board President


We believe at Kashunamiut School District that each and every student will be safe, supported and challenged so that they can achieve their goals and be successful in a changing society.


We at Kashunamiut School District will work together with the community to promote a safe, supportive and culturally relevant environment by providing vast opportunities for each student to achieve their goals and develop skills necessary to thrive in both our community and a changing world.

Strategic Plan 2022-2027

Objectives & Goals

1. All students in Kashunamiut School District will interact with Elders to help develop pride, respect, and Cup’ik Values.

  1. The School District will recruit elders to visit classrooms on a regular basis.
  2. Elders will help students to develop a sense of self-esteem and pride. learn about Yuraq, and teach students the Cup’ik culture.

2. The Kashunamiut School District will encourage classified staff to become certified teachers and strive to recruit local Chevak residents to become certified teachers and administrators.

  1. Continuing education courses will be offered for classified staff and other community members who want to become teachers.
  2. All classified staff who are interested will be provided guidance in understanding the requirements for becoming a certified teacher in high needs areas.

3. Every Middle School and High School student will explore career options and develop a career plan.

  1. Middle School students will explore career options and select three potential careers of interest to investigate further.
  2. High School students will travel to locations where they can job shadow and experience careers on their career plan.
  3. A support system will be developed to assist those students during their first year of transition from High School to Post-Secondary Education opportunities.

4. Kashunamiut School District will ensure that all student data will be reviewed regularly to identify and provide timely academic support.

  1. All students K-12 will take the MAP test three times a year to determine achievement level in reading, math and language arts.
  2. All students in grades K-3 that are not at grade level in reading will be provided opportunities for intervention.
  3. All students grades K-11 that are not at grade level in math will be provided additional support for mathematics.

Beliefs & Aspirations


  • Children come first in education.
  • Children should feel safe at school.
  • Students are given the opportunity to live successfully in both Cup’ik and western culture.
  • Knowledge of one’s culture is of utmost importance because it promotes pride, self-esteem, positive attitudes, confidence and determination to succeed.
  • Respect for self, others, and the environment is critical for student success in school and life.
  • Children must obey laws and school rules and be role models for others.
  • Families have a responsibility to send children to school ready to learn.
  • The parents, as community members, must support the children to do well in school.
  • Community members should be role models for our children.
  • All staff will foster a positive learning environment for the children they serve and should leave all personal and political conflict outside of the school setting.


  • The School district will have zero tolerance for gossip among staff members
  • Ongoing communication with parents, children, and community is necessary for success.
  • The district should hire the most qualified staff available for every position, following all board policies for new hires.
  • The Kashunamiut School District will support growing local Cup’ik certified teachers, administrators, and other staff for the benefit of the
  • Retaining competent, qualified teachers who know the students, and who the students know is vital.
  • Teachers are encouraged to be actively involved in community activities.
  • All school staff should have knowledge and awareness of Cup’ik culture.


Vice Chair
Board Member
Mary Ann
JrSr Science Teacher
Board Chair